Saturday, May 8, 2010

internet cruising, inspiration

I'm on the internet way too much sometimes,but I'm always learning and looking for inspiration. I keep an eye out for interesting blogs and portfolios. Here are a couple photogs that I look to for inspiration and are just straight up killing it on all levels.

all these guy's photos have affected me in someway, I suggest taking a look at all their sites and blogs. I find all of these super inspirational, in many of their aspects even outside of action sports. I hope you get as much out of their work as I do.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

editing,submissions and film

I finished up at mammoth last week with the flow guys. Had a good time and got some stuff done, the days I was there it was too windy to hit the big jump so I missed that but overall it went well. I've headed home and started some final editing and submitting. I usually edit as much as I can while on the road so the workload isn't too crazy. I need a better habit of keywording after shoots though. Good news when I got home I got my new toy in the mail while away, I finally dipped into a strobe setup with an elinchrom rx speed battery pack with A head. Better late than never and I'm excited to get out and use it especially next winter. Anyways, I've been trying to shoot with my bronica 6x6 medium format camera lately and when I get my first roll back I'll be sure to post up on here!
