Alright so I been slacking on this blog, but its the summer and a lot of things have happened. First and the biggest thing that happened is I moved into a new apartment with my girlfriend when I came back east, its a work in progress with the place but I'm physched to get outa the parents place and get with my girl. I been keeping busy at my summer job at a tree farm and hanging out with my buds, I haven't picked up my digi cam much but I have shot with my bronica, I think its made me become a more disciplined photographer working with film, sadly it seems to have a light leak, but it will do for now while I'm shooting just for myself. Anyways, I should be back checking in soon when I get more film in. I'll leave you here with these for some eye candy.
thanks for reading(if anyone actual is!)
mini horses outside our apartment, they love getting attention
just looking up through the trees
red tree down the road
looking up into that tree
stone bridge over a creek in the shade
bar down the road from my apartment, best damn food(seriously, its so freakin good) and cheap thats not my car.. haha

lone surfer at the jersey shore

another mini horse outside our place

beach sunrise, something we gotta do every year now

ceramic panda sitting in bamboo by the river
river shoes, been hanging out at creeks and the delaware river a bunch. getting my fishing game on and coolin off

cloud cover

I think my favorite, definitly one of my favorite moments of the summer, sunset over the bay.
enjoy your summer!