After a day of work on saturday at the farm, I got in contact with my buddy Tim, him and another friend of ours Jeff went hiking all day and already set up camp. I been wanting to go camping up at the location they were at but I haven't had the chance. Luckily, theres a fire access road about a mile from their site that I could hike right up and get to no problem. I got my camera gear together, some hotdogs, beer and jumped in the car. Trying to even get there before dark, I wasn't worrying about the nice looking sunset that I could see through the trees next to the delaware river. Then a roadblock..a wire was down and there wasn't anyway of getting through. I pulled over, called Tim and canceled our meet up, I was bummed. Since I drove all this way, I walked down to the river with my camera and actually caught the last of the sunset, physched I didn't waste ALL of my time,luckily I hiked out to meet up with the electrical crew who opened the road! Called Tim, had him set to meet me half way with lights, it was back on. After parking I started hiking very quickly,although an easy hike, anything could happen in the dark. Met tim and we got to the site where Jeff was hanging out around the fire. We had great temperatures, nice fire, hotdogs, great view on the ridge and a clear night. Just good times. We got to bed early for the sunrise, set our alarms and got to bed. I don't know how our alarms didn't wake us up but we almost missed it, but I woke up just in time. I woke the other two and we jumped out of the tent to see a crazy sunrise! Clouds came in and filled the valley,as the sun rose above, I never knew such a beautiful site was possible so close to where I lived. We were physched! It kinda felt like we were the double rainbow guy. Afterwards,we boiled water for breakfast and just hungout while the sun rose and the clouds started clearing below us. Yet again we we faced with more beautiful scenery! We had our instant soup and packed up, and hiked out. It was great time, I don't know if we'll ever have a sunrise like that again up there but we'll be back.

sunset down by the delaware river
long shutter campsite,tim working on the fire
did my best to find good spots quickly, since of course we slept in.
little bit higher sun
the fog reminded me of mt. hood almost
jeff boiling his water
tims turn
getting the fire started back up
more cloud cover came over the fog and made what jeff calls a "cloud sandwich"
started to clear up down below
getting a little fall color
hiking out on the fire road
All in all, I'm happy with the shots I got for the blog, enjoy!
Thanks to tim and jeff!