Sunday, January 31, 2010

hiking at home

I wanted to make a big second post.I haven't been doing much, but since I haven't gotten out west yet and shot snowboarding at all, I've been hiking around the poconos where I live and grew up. There are national parks and random trails everywhere that are fun to take photos of and let out some built up energy from sitting inside. here are some photos from a few of my hikes.

this is just right off the busiest road in east stroudsburg, its a nice large farm
open field next to rt. 209
some ice textures forming over a flowing creek
foggy morning out hiking with my dad
mushroom textures growing on fallen log
my dad caught a porcupine in a trap, not the easiest of animals to get out

hunting cabin
small creek

ice forming around trees flooded by the creek.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


I got on the bloggin' bandwagon, I will try to update this as much as I can as long as interesting things are going on around me, keeping up to date with my travels,some accomplishments, what I have learned and just some of whatever is going on in my world.

I'll start with a link to my site:

I hope to update my site soon,but till now that site is where I will showcase the work I think best represents what I do

check it out, cruise around, show people, be happy

took this during a small storm in my hometown the other day, its been raining like crazy, so I was happy to see some snow, heading to SLC next week, hoping for snow and to get my late season started.
