My first trip of my season last year was to pittsburgh,pa.. I took a few hour bus ride into the city to meet up with a couple kids coming in from SLC because pitt had an uncharacteristic amount of snow. Our crew was brandon hammid,sean black and alex andrews along with matt roberge filming. One of the sickest crews I've shot with and I'm thankful I was invited to come along. We found a few spots,including a rail lit with stadium lights, a perfect night spot without using a generator. The guys coming out of salt lake have super creative ideas and we got a bunch of things going but they were really feeling this gap over fence to down rail...and so was I. These kids killed it, I threw on the fisheye, some colored gels on the flash to liven it up a bit and had Alex give me a few tries without matt in there with his fisheye too, which is sick, I love when riders are willing to throw down without a filmer getting a shot, also as a note, matt roberge is one of the sickest rail filmers and a good friend of mine, which is nice because hes willing to get out of the way sometimes, plus he'll critique the hell outa photos and I respect his knowledgeable opinions. Anyways, this is about the riders,they killed it,Alex got some shots with a frontblunt getting over the fence getting ready for touchdown on the rail, i like it because the colors and his helmet team bern unlimited got interested in this shot for online and catalog space and now I can post it up on here. Thanks for working hard everyone! enjoy!

youda man A.A
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